go peep peep trailers and production photos for Ultraviolet , the ultraviolENT film from the director of the deceptively fresh equilibrium...
i am now officially excited...
Manchild: Birthday Boy
Manchild:Birthday Boy is the first in a short series of graphic novels i plan to do. Inspired by my fascination with manga, hip hop and social issues, i can honestly say that by the time this series of books is done, it will be the most violent, disturbing and mind-bending thing i have ever done. that said, it's gonna take a while... you'll be kept up to date on its progress for now, go here to read what i got so far...
Champion of Children
Champ is the result of the most satisfying collaboration of my young comics carreer. as part of ghostWerks comics, i got to contribute to what will surely be a houshold name, in Champion of Children, a comic about kid superheroes. Champ stars Little Madd Skillz, the latest kid hero to hold the proud title of Champion of Children (the hero all other young heroes defer to...). Maddy (she hates being called that, but i do anyways!) is 5 years old, and using the venerable Pure Skillz technique of martial arts, fights evil like nobody's bidness!
the book also features her friends and family, almost all of whom are heroes themselves (she's seen above with her big brother, former Champion Junior Raw), in a comic as much about family, friendship and growth spurts as it is about hellacious butt-kicking!
it's a book for kids, but so far, we have as many adult fans as kids! for the low, peep what we got so far at the (still under construction) website www.ChampionOfChildren.com, and confidentially, my man Corance has handed me a script for new Champ mini, Secret Scrolls, that is bananas!!!
stay tuned...
with subject matter ranging from brooklyn thuggery to european skinheads to hasidic judaism, Boogie will shock and surprise you with imagery and technique ranging from sublime to downright disturbing. yet his photos never seem to resort to the gratuitous, and they capture their subjects honestly...
but enough of my babbling, peep it your dang self!
there's a gang of 'em on kevin smith's site moviepoopshoot (hey, i didn't name it..!), and he has been threatening to do more for a while now (artists...).
anyways, peep it (that's an order, soldier!) and give Jamar a holler and tell 'im i sentcha...
300, Frank Miller's Historical Epic about Sparta's battle with the legions of king Xerxes of Persia is being made into a hollywood movie. pencils and inks by miller. color by lynn varley
It seems tensiltown can't get enough of comics legend Frank Miller. After the success of Robert Rodriguez's adaptation of Miller's Sin City series of graphic novels, the movie industry has decided to strike while the iron is hot. 300 will adapt the graphic novel of the same name, written and drawn by miller, with breathtaking color by his wife, Lynn Varley (note to self: break into comics industry, become living legend, marry brilliant comic book colorist, thus saving myself time AND money...). The story recounts the ancient battle in which 300 Spartans die valiently defying the Persian army, inspiring all of Greece to rise up against the unstoppable march of King Xerxes.
Anyways, as a true acolyte of Miller's, i figured it was my job to hip you to this impending Miller joint, which is due out in 2007 . peep the trailer here. i don't know if it will be a great movie or anything, but the graphic novel was the bomb, so i'll be in attendance, if only to scream on it... it will be shot by Dawn of the Dead director Zack Snyder. i will leave you to make of that what you will...
"there's a new cupid in town" by samax.
okay, so we're in the pre-valentine's day pocket, so those of us who are single should be aware: this is the time of year when folks get all mushy and start asking why you don't have a girlfriend and when are you gonna have kids, blah-blah-blah...
apparently, all is still fair in the dating game, so watch your back... hormones are kicking into overdrive, and would-be partners are turning predatory to beat the spring rush!
if you're actually lookin' to get paired up, ya can't do it from the house fanboy (quit trying to meet quality babes on the internet, geek!)...
go out and meet some actual, unpixelated chicks, THEN use the internet as a diversion when she's getting her nag on!
just kidding, ladies! anyways, if you're in denton tonite, catch me at the rubber gloves. i'll be the one with the sketchbook...