Ultimate Avengers DVD...

Marvel has released the Ultimate Avengers DVD, loosely based on The Ultimates, which was itself a reimagining of The Avengers, a mainstay Marvel comic starring heavyweights like Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Iron Man... didja follow that?
the gyst of Ultimates was to take the long running Marvel comic (created by: you guessed it, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby), strip it of all the years of continuity (which can confuse new readers...), and recreate the characters in, and for, the modern day. the job fell in the very capable hands of writer Mark Millar and artist Brian Hitch, both of whom had made their mark on the critically acclaimed dark superhero romp, The Authority. the Ultimates, with high sales and critical acclaim, was an unqualified success.

now, as Millar and Hitch are ready to end their run on Ultimates (their current story arc, the aptly and cleverly titled "Grand Theft America", will sadly be the duo's last) after two years, marvel is bringing the DVD version to the small screen, apparently adapting Millar and Hitch's first story arc, which sharply updated the rebirth of Captain America, the origin of the team, brought together to stop the Rampaging Hulk...

A big fan of The Ultimates, i admit to being reluctant about the DVD... initial reports that marvel passed on the networks to retain the flavor of the book had me hopeful that the uber-gritty edge of the original books would be reatained; however, advance reviews suggest that many of the cooler, dark elements are absent (for example, no domestic violence between Giant-man and Wasp [trust me, that mess was the bomb in the comic...]). still, i will give it a look, hopeful that it's not too bubble gum. after all, they could have made more money by going with fox kids or something.

if you see it first please let me know what you thought...
otherwise, i'll keep you posted.



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