i'm warning you now: if you don't see
Iron Man this weekend, someone's gonna tell you something about it that you don't wanna know. but here's
what you DO wanna know: it's good. it has balance. it's funny, it's serious, it's beautifully shot, the effects are great. the dialogue is tight and natural.
Downey owns Tony Stark. Jeff Bridges rocks hard as Obadiah Stane. Favreau gets the gold star and directs a great, great action flick!
oh yeah, and
Ghostface is on the soundtrack!i'm gonna stop now, 'cause i'm itchin'a give away the goods, but i'll wait... but don't count on me to wait too long...
Man, the planets must have been in alignment on this one.
I won't give anything away but I'll say these things: For, Marvel's first big studio movie Iron Man was quality and here's why:
1) Casting was perfect for Tony Stark. Mario, don't care, it was. If you know the history of the character and the actor then that's about as close as you're gonna get in Hollywood...that's still alive anyway.
2) The director was perfect for this. I can honestly say I haven't seen Zathura, but from what I hear it wasn't the direction so much as it was the story. Either way he directed Swingers which has the proper sensibilities when considering the character.
3) They paid the right amount of respect to character development. That's big #1. You can get behind the humanity of all the characters and in this day in age it all makes sense to the general audience.
4) The comic book moments still feel like comic book moments without being too cheesy. There's proper buildup and it gives the right shout outs to the readers of the books. Proper.
5) They got the right effects house to supervise special effects: ILM. 3D to Practical they know when it's required and that's all that needs to be said.
6) The story fits within the context of current events, developments and sensibilities. At the same time having the respect to past character story lines. That's big #2. The way this character grows and makes mistakes is quite impressive to see on screen for a comic movie. That's not easily done.
7) Stay past the end credits.
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