It's Gettin' Dark...

would the country's most powerful woman settle for Veep?
the media has been trying to close the coffin on Hillary Clinton for weeks. Last night's results (in which we saw Obama win a landslide in North Carolina and Hillary win by the slightest of margins in Indiana) may have provided the first nail. Pundits on MSNBC and CNN have been singing Clinton's swan song at least since she failed to crush Obama in Texas.
they really only let up to go watch the clowns at the Rev Wright circus, but now they are back to reading the eulogy for Hillary's presidential hopes. now, they are on the Hillary for Vee Pee bandwagon.
many considered Hillary/Obama - the so-called "dream ticket"- to be the solution to the Democrat's recent presidential woes when Hillary was the presumed favorite, but after what has been a rough primary for the Clintons, the question of whether Hillary would even want to be vee pee at this point is a valid one. "It's something that this party is going to have to think very seriously about in the next few weeks," according to Harold Ford Jr, former congressman and chair of the Democratic Leadership Council. all this is of great concern for the democrats, who feared a lengthy primary could destroy the party if the battle became too nasty. getting the combatants to run together -in what one MSNBC pundit called a "Marriage of Convenience"- could repair the vast majority of the damage done in the primary, say those who favor the move.
we'll see...


B_Steelo said...

Hillary as VP? See I can see the good in that but man that's tough.She wouldn't go there. If she does I'll be impressed.

B_Steelo said...

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