the racially diverse, yet archetypical super-team The Circle of Power are in serious trouble when an instrumental member of the team is killed. While multiple federal investigations turn up no foul play, the Crimson Ghost insists that his teammate was murdered, and arguments over that (and the government's offer to financially back the team) threaten to worsen the pre-existing schisms in the team.

like many indy books, the art on Rise Above is wonky but legible, and at times inspired. It distinguishes itself, however by being very well-written. The multi-layered story and smart character development outperforms the drawing, raising the book above the level of its art.
Writer-artist Tim Fernandes IV uses dialog and character interactions to enlighten readers about his comics' universe, foreshadow future events, and reveal character traits simultaneously. Anyways, this issue gets a thumbs up from me. Click here to buy RISE ABOVE #1 on Indyplanet.

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