the calm before the storm...

i haven't been blogging very much lately, just working feverishly to wrap up ghettoManga Quarterly's debut issue, get ready for Playlist, the art show with the mighty ghostWerks crew on August 21st, and prepare for the impending birth of my daughter. at any rate, all three are on the brink, so stay tuned for news about all that as it develops.
I've been getting more purchases going through over at the Ziontific store, so if you are one of the people buying my shirts and cards, thanks! i haven't been promoting much lately, but i guess i'm experiencing some delayed payoffs from past marketing!
anyways, i know i've been dropping youTube videos and stuff, but that ain't up to the standard i set for myself! thanks for sticking with me, and expect more REAL news soon...


B_Steelo said...


Samax said...

(inside joke people...)

Anonymous said...

you blowin' up, son!

Anonymous said...

that card looks cool

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