even worse than politics as usual...
SHO nuff!

(Urban just means Black...)

Emonifela is BACK!

i'm black like Don Cheadle shouting POWER(s) to the PEOPLE!

WOW! what a great comic!

new Champion of Children poster!

cop this slick 11x17 print with champ, Li'l Madd Skillz and moms Big Madd Skillz from Champion of Children... just $20 with FREE SHIPPING! while supplies last....

comics hiphop news art culture
Quote of the Day...

A Message from KRS ONE

During Hip Hop Appreciation Week artists can be asked to give sound advice on what they've learned about life and living Hip Hop this year. Schools of all sorts are encouraged to discuss Hip Hop academically and critically amongst its students and teachers. Radio DJs can upgrade their play of "conscious" Rap music over the airwaves and parents can discuss the true meaning and history of Hip Hop with their children.
During Hip Hop Appreciation Week the Hip Hop community is encouraged to:
Give the next person the right of way. Allow people to pass you. Do not block a person's forward movement.
Donate your skill or profession to someone who cannot afford it.At the supermarket give your change to the person behind you in line.Be quick to compliment and slow to criticize.
Be ready to forgive and move on.
Give 10% of your salary this week to your child's teacher.
Ease a neighbor's pressure by donating your time toward the assistance of some duty they must undertake. Give of yourself this week.Let us show our respect for Hip Hop with a sincere respect for one another.
Men—support the women in your life. Women—comfort the men in your life. And let us all remain committed to the well-being of our children; they are the reason we do what we do. Love your children. Reserve a special love for them. Give them your time and your attention. Be patient with them. Touch them, hug them, play with them and be sure to teach them, advise them, protect them, discipline them, and most of all LISTEN to them. One of the best ways to teach our children that they are valuable is to value them. Often we must compliment them, point out their special qualities to them, fulfill their prayers, support their legitimate dreams and aspirations and let them know that we are interested in them. They are the future of Hip Hop! The preservation of our children IS the preservation of Hip Hop.
There it is.
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free Hip Hop project/DJ Clue mixtape!
A Hip Hop Movie worth watching...
opens Friday May 11th at a theater near you
www.ghettoManga.comcomics hiphop news art culture
A Common Enemy?

the Illest...
in case you ain't know... this is REAL hipHop...
comics hiphop news art culture
All dressed up, with nowhere to go...

Dirk needs to listen to more Hip Hop...

photo by Glenn James, Getty Images

photo by Marcio Jose Sanchez the difference between winning and losing this series for the mavs will be Dirk's attitude. other players like his game, but they just don't fear him... and he should MAKE THEM REGRET IT!
* coach Avery Johnson's advice for Dirk about handling defenses:
"if they triple-team you, find the open man. if they double you, score on 'em. if they single cover you, KILL 'em!"
in other words, this is the playoffs... Dirk should be looking to score, and punish the other team for even THINKING they are in his league!
i think he just needs to listen to some hip hop or something... what's in A.I.'s ceedee changer, anyways?
peace (except on the court!),
comics hiphop news art culture