Give it Up to the DeeJay

"The Foundation" by samax.
even though today's rap fans and artists seem to forget, the DeeJay is the backbone of today's most influential culture.
hip hop originated in the Bronx, at parties rocked by DJ Kool Herc. The process Herc used for extending a break so that it lasted long enough to perform to is the basis for the sound we have today. initially, Herc and other deeJays rhymed (At that time rap was not yet known as 'rap' but called 'emceeing', from the common term for party hosting Master of Ceremonies) over the beats they flipped, until Herc decided to concetrate on the craft of deeJaying, and handed the microphone over to Coke La Rock and Clark Kent (not Dana Dane's dj). This was rap music first emcee team. They became known as Kool Herc and the Herculoids. From this humble beginning, hipHop has spread all over the globe. production styles have come and gone, technological advances and the digital revolution sometimes threaten to wipe out the importance of the deeJay in modern rap music. but i implore you: rappers, writers, b-boys and girls, NEVER forget to give it up for the DeeJay!

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