let's hope we see more of the Mighty Pharoahe in '08!
click here for a summary about this film.
more news as i get it.
the ghettoManga Video of the Year for 2007 is "Hip Hop Police" by Chamillionaire. i haven't spent much of this year giving a dang about music videos. the repetitive nature of the material has lead to what i would consider a low point in hip hop video production. however Hip Hop Police (like gM Video Award runner-up Stronger from Kanye West) actually manages to enhance the song without resorting to crass gimmickry, the way a good video should.
Morrison pulls this off by rolling out seven four-issue mini-series [Shining Knight (with art bySimone Bianchi & Nathan Eyring), The Manhattan Guardian (with Cameron Stewart & Moose Baumann, seen here), Zatanna (with Ryan Sook, Mick Gray & Nathan Eyring), Klarion the Witch Boy (with Frazer Irving), Mister Miracle (with Art by Pasqual Ferry & Dave McCaig), Bulleteer (with Yanick Paquette & Michael Bair), and Frankenstein (with Doug Mahnke)] bookended by wide screen intro and outro issues with art by the magnificent JH Williams.
Morrison insisted that a reader could choose buy only the series that interests them, not really needing to buy all seven minis to enjoy them, and he was right! i originally bought The Manhattan Guardian, Zatanna, Mister Miracle, and (my personal favorite) Frankenstein. the Guardian and Frankenstein pleased my Grant Morrison jones very well on their own (marvel ruined Mister Miracle for me by signing artist Pascual to an exclusive deal while he was working on the first issue... BOOO, Marvel!). that said, this joint is BEST read in TPB form. the stories are included in the order of their release, which actually shows a story progression THROUGH all the minis in a way i have never seen in what is essentially a crossover.