Bulky As Ang Lee's Hulk, but there's No Hope to constrain Me
modern-day genius Craig "Flux" Wonda received two ghettoManga Award nominations in 2007, for his Emceeing and Illustration skills... it's only a testament to the winners that he didn't take one of 'em home, because as these Paintings show, he has abundant skills! and his microphone mastery is just as magnificent, playa! Flux rolls with the Jungle45 crew, as well as breaking mics as part of Binkis Recs, and you can click any pic to sample the greatness off'a his mySpace, if you don't believe me! Flux participated in the 1 Year Anniversary Show at the City of Ink in Atlanta february 29th. peep the video of the show, courtesy of my jungle45 connect, goldiGold (HOLLA!).
DAMN brah. I appreciate this. Goldi Gold just put me on like a week ago. It's always good to hear some positive feedback. It keeps a braddah going. HAAA! FANGGGG!
Yo I'm diggin' that work
son is dope. go to his mySpace and check his rhymes too... dude is craze!
DAMN brah. I appreciate this. Goldi Gold just put me on like a week ago. It's always good to hear some positive feedback. It keeps a braddah going. HAAA! FANGGGG!
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