Ay Z brings BEEF like trucker to Fuddrucker

In a move worthy of hip hop mixtape beef, Bin Laden's number 2 man, Ayman al-Zawahri dropped a new tape dissin' the President Elect, callin' Obama a house nigga, along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Ay Z also said he invites America to bring beef to Afghanistan because "the dogs of Afghanistan have found the flesh of your soldiers to be delicious, so send thousands after thousands to them..."
unfortunately, although he did claim to be down with The Ummah, al-Ziggedy didn't have a Dilla beat behind that, or he'd have a hit on his hands... so anyways, read the full story and watch Ay Z's killa tape here.


Goldi gold said...

you have to have style and learn to be original and everybody gonna want to diss you-krs one

B_Steelo said...

so...you're a philosopher?

Samax said...

"gangstalicious. rhyme's too vicious/
eat emcees all day.
mmmmm delicious!"

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