"Connor Hawke ain't got SHIT on me!"

Johnathan Brainard is in critical condition after catching an arrow to the chest in NW Oklahoma City. After a fight in school, Brainard followed another boy home, where the other boy went into the house and came out strapped like Clint Barton.
"I don't know how it started, but they didn't like each other from the beginning," said classmate Seth Bean. "They had a rivalry in the past year. They fought a lot in the past year." (read more here)


B_Steelo said...

damn that's country

Anonymous said...

never follow an enemy to his house...
that's just stupid, son!

B_Steelo said...

That's like some John Rambo stuff

Samax said...

ZAP yo dumb ass! oooooh yeah!

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