International, Playa...

canadian hip hop manifesto Song of Songs is a comic i've been following online for some time. but i just never got around to ordering it until now (i mean, i just ordered the first six issues about 90 seconds ago!) as much as i DON'T like to get caught sleeping, i just kept putting off buying this book. i ALWAYS have a list of books a mile long i wanna order, and SOS kept falling through the cracks. but today, peeped the ten page sample of issue #4, and i couldn't justify putting it off one second longer! after all, any comic with the balls to spend ten pages showing a group of kids rocking out watching an emcee named "Extravagangsta" spit deserves my support, seen? once i get my issues, i'll review the book overall, so keep your eyes peeled. but if you wanna preview the book for yourself, go here.
was that it? find it here
Damn, the coloring is crazy in that joint!!!!
this is a great comic! i'm behind, though. i need to catch up!
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