Jim Mahfood strikes comics gold with his new 2 part mini
Kick Drum Comix. i saw the 2nd issue on the new comics rack this week and couldn't resist snagging both issues. whether going for shock-and-awe, skater nostalgia, or sci-fi parody,
'Food uses a splashy, messy style to compliment stories that have a spontaneous, off-the-dome feel. on this go-round, Food One enlists the aid of friends who add magnificent, trippy color to these imaginitive stories of hip hop gone horribly wrong.

even as a fan of his work, i've always found Food to be more bold in content than in style, but this shows a leap in execution, with Food leaving it all on the court (sorry about the NBA metaphor, i just watched a double-header...). Food's first original comix in a minute turns out to be his most daring as an artist!
Kick Drum Comix, a 2 issue miniseries from Image, is in stores now... COP IT!
the steez is wicked
put this on your list you wanna take with you if you go to the comic shop this friday. cuss your comic shop owner if they don't have it! then go to Food's website below and cop it...
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