"Sullivan's Sluggers" Wraparound cover, Baseball Cards, and more preview art

 If you're one of the three or four people in the universe that didn't back Mark Andrew Smith and James Stokoe's limited-edition baseball horror graphic novel Sullivan's Sluggers, you probably don't care about the front and back cover art (above) or any of the other preview art I posted below. But I'm showing it anyways, because I'm excited and stuff...
Here's the Sales Pitch:
Long past their former glory, the minor league Sluggers get an invitation to play a baseball game in a cursed small town. After the 7th inning stretch, the sun goes down, and the dysfunctional teammates find themselves fighting for their lives against a town of flesh-eating monsters! Now, it's up to coach Casey Sullivan to put down the booze, step up to the proverbial plate, and help his team escape from being the next dish in the town's terrifying feeding frenzy!

baseball cards by Matthew Weldon

That's all I got right now. If you're looking to peep more art from Sullivan's Sluggers, click here to check my initial post about it. The book is live now on Comixology as 5 individual digital comics, so click here to cop it.


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