In stores now- GLORY #30

 I haven't made it to the comic shop this week because of the holiday, so I haven't read this issue yet, but here's a preview anyways...

Here's the Sales pitch:

A battle over one hundred years in the making - sister vs. sister! No one gets out unscathed! Not every bodily limb survives! PLUS: In 1920s Paris, Glory teams up with Ernest Hemingway to take down the greatest villain the city has ever known, illustrated by New Yorker cartoonist ROMAN MURADOV!

Yes, that was the least violent Glory preview ever, but I'm still buying that issue when I get back home from visiting the in-laws. Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell have put together one of the only monthlies I can't ignore in favor of tradewaiting (yeah, I still bought the first Glory trade), and I haven't been disappointed so far...

Glory #30 is in stores now.

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