"Oh, Jay..." by @samaxAmen and @Doctor_Hue

I've got tons of things to draw. TONS! For money, that is! But I decided I would draw this comic strip tonight because... I... deserved it? Whatever, I wanted to, okay?!  Just read it. It's funny and shit...

Oh, Jay... #3. Click to enlarge, please!
In case you didn't know, Oh Jay... is what happens when I read too many of Jay Kelley's social media updates.  Inevitably, I'll copy and paste one of 'em into a Photoshop text layer and rattle off a comic strip. 

It's like a sickness.

Anyways, this one is the first 3-panel I've actually completed from a social media status. Let me know what you think of it. Especially if you think it's awesome.

Samax Amen is a professional Content Developer, illustrator and cartoonist. Click here to hire him to breathe life into your concepts.
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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