REVIEW- Michael gives Terry Moore's horror comic "RACHEL RISING" a big cosign!

GhettoManga contributor Michael Lagocki is feeling that Terry Moore horror joint...
Terry Moore’s RACHEL RISING is blowing me away. It’s a horror comic about resurrected ————s who haunt the town they were once killed in. (redacted to avoid spoilers)

Moore is a master craftsman and his writing on Rachel Rising is creepy as hell
. It’s a long in depth mystery that keeps you guessing. I have no idea what’s going to happen from one issue to the next. The story isn’t a retread of anything else I’ve read.

Moore's line work is gorgeous too. Lots of beautiful art on these pages.
Terry’s been an underground star for a while, and I’ve admired his work from afar. But this comic is the best thing of his I’ve read. I can definitely recommend it to fans of the horror genre, ghost stories, etc.


Michael Lagocki is one-fifth of the mighty GhostWerks Crew, co-founder of art activist massive ArtLoveMagic, a non-profit company that helps artists, musicians and poets fight evil with the power of good art.
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