the Badass Witches of Helheim return for Vengeance: BRIDES OF HELHEIM by @CullenBunn and @Joelle_Jones via @OniPress

I never read the Oni Press action fantasy comic HELLHEIM by Cullen Bunn, Joëlle Jones and Nick Filardi, but this new spinoff/sequel BRIDES OF HELHEIM features undead warriors, weapon-toting witches and disproportionate revenge. Hellz. Yeah...


Y'all know I cuts for Larry Stroman from his work on X-Factor for Marvel Comics and his creator-owned book TRIBE back in the nineties. Hence, I am honor-bound to post this preview from this revival of the sci-fi action comic Alien Legion: Uncivil War he's working on with Chuck Dixon and Carl Potts...

"To tell the truth, we were more influenced by Spike Lee than Shakespeare" Joel Dos Reis Viegas @SteambotStudios

DAMION SCOTT takes over art chores on ALL NEW GHOST RIDER!! (((airhorn)))

 I had no idea that Damion Scott and Robert Campanella were the new art team on ALL NEW GHOST RIDER but it looks like they did. Last month's cover (above) was done by series co-creator Tradd Moore, but check out the interiors to this and the new issue below, by Scott and Campanella.

You had me at "World War Wendigo"... OR... PREVIEW- Amazing X-MEN #11

Because you are not a recovering Marvel Zombie like me, you might not know that the Wendigo is a mystical cannibalistic spirit that possesses people and transforms them into super-strong rampaging white wookies. But only in Canada, because it's magic. CANADIAN magic, son! Anyways, one Wendigo can give the Hulk a good slapping around, so you don't want none of the Wendigo blitzkrieg they are dealing with in Amazing X-men #11, which is part 4 of the 5 part World War Wendigo storyline (so you consider yourself alerted to the spoilers in this preview)...

My concerns about STORM, and 4 things @Marvel should do about it

I bought the first couple issues of STORM, the new ongoing series about Marvel's most prominent female super hero. I enjoyed them both, especially the first one. But there's definitely something bothering me about this series already...

A few words about "The Problem", the Masterful music video starring @7evenThirty and @GensuDean

"The Problem is that the problem ain't rap.
Can you help me articulate that?"

Miles Morales + All New (Old) X-Men = WTF? But it's Bendis and Asrar, so... WHY NOT?!?

I don't really have much to say about All-New X-men #32. From what I can tell, this X-book stars the original five X-men (Angel, Iceman, Jean Grey, Cyclops and a relatively hairless Beast), transplanted from the past into the present day. Now they have also been transported into the Ultimate Universe, where they meet Miles Morales, the all-new Afrolatino Spider-man...

Robophobic #22 - Cyborg Cockroaches to the Rescue?

This engineer on The Takeaway podcast insists that science can't make insect-sized robots to take on missions that require itty bitty remote-controlled automatons (yet). Unfortunately, I still won't be sleeping at night, 'cause they're building cyborg cockroaches to get the dirty little jobs done instead...

Looks like John Stewart was born again HARD in GREEN LANTERN CORPS: FUTURE'S END #1

So apparently the DC Universe is going through a cataclysmic war or something, and time-traveling is involved... NO WAIT! STAY WITH ME NOW! Yeah, I don't know... But I like John Stewart. So there's that. Look, just check out this preview of Green Lantern Corps: Future's End #1...

Have y'all seen this TMNT fancomic SECRETS OF THE OOZE by @RossCampbelll? SO GOOD!

 The idea of drawing comics featuring characters I don't own and never printing them (because, you know... the law or something...) is totally alien to me. That said, there are some really dope fan comics out there. Here's one of them: Secrets of the Ooze, by that dude Ross Campbell...

#yesReally- BO, PLUSHY GANGSTA: KINGDOM OF BO Trade Paperback published by @ActionLab

I saw an issue of post-hip hop blaxploitation comic BO, PLUSHY GANGSTA the last time I went to the comic shop, but I forgot to write about it when I got home, so I'm glad I ran across this preview art for the trade paperback today...

Preview- DREAM SKILLS, the new comic from Corey Lewis

FACT: Corey Lewis is the sheet. Corey draws comics all the time, and I don't. That makes him awesome. 
Here's some preview pages of his new comic Dream Skills...

Wow! I'm LOVING these STEVEN UNIVERSE comics from @BOOMstudios

I don't have cable, so I wasn't prepared for STEVEN UNIVERSE by steady streams of commercials, but it only took a few images for me to fall in love with Steven, the not-yet super powered member of the mighty Crystal Gems superhero quartet. Once I saw these preview pages for the new STEVEN UNIVERSE comics, let's just say I was hooked!

Is X-(wo)Men as dope as it appears to be?

This fresh cover by Team Dodson drew me into this preview of X-(wo)Men #19 by Marc Guggenheim and company.

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