Spontaneous finally drops!
After a long hiatus from the publishing scene, ghostWerks returns with a new ongoing project: Spontaneous, featuring art and writing of ghettoManga H.N.I.C. samaxAmen. the Spring 2008 volume-available in both paperback and hardcover- can be purchased in the ghostWerks store. you can get the hardcover for Forty bucks, or cop the paperback for just twenty.
in addition, look for all three ghostWerks artists' work in The Book of Angels and Nightmares later on this year from ArtLoveMagic.com, and the long-awaited launch of quarterly magazine/comics anthology ghettoManga Quarterly.
if you preordered, you can choose the hardcover (at a five dollar discount!) or get the paperback PLUS your choice of Spontaneous promotional teeshirts and swag at no charge! get at me for details!peace,
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture
was that it? find it here
That's spontaneous.
word up!
keep an eye on this, it's been getting some love on mySpace, so we'll see..
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