Start your day off RIGHT w/ Tobe Nwigwe and nem

It's the start of a new work week, so I know you need to get it jumping.  GhettoManga Emcee of the Year Tobe Nwigwe got that fire to start the whole week off RIGHT...

The sales pitch:
WHEN DEBO COME IF YOU DON’T RUN YOU BETTER TUCK YO CHAIN #gettwistedsundays #OUU - - DEBO AVAILABLE NOW ON ALL STREAMING PLATFORMS!!! #gettwistedsundays #OUU #linkinbio - - MUSIC x MERCH x EVERYTHING #BUYMERCHNOTMUSIC APPEARANCES x ARTICLES Tobe On Sway In The Morning Friday Cypher: Tobe at the BET Cypher 2018: The Ringer: How Tobe got into music: MUSIC x STREAMING PLATFORMS YOUTUBE : SOUNDCLOUD : SPOTIFY : APPLE MUSIC: TIDAL : AMAZON MUSIC : GOOGLE PLAY: - 🎵 @lanellgrant (women produce) - 🎙 @tobecallsmefat / @lanellgrant - 🎬 @tobenwigwe / @natethedirector (teamwork makes the dream work) - mixed/mastered by @sound_wrangler / @barronstudios - 👼🏿 @tash_danielle / @itstiaraa.a / @iamjnsb / @mlavallais / @courtneyned / @oh__lexx /@chizohfro / @lakeshasoul / @thee__laah / @_carmen_e_jones - styling and design by @tobenwigwe + @amaocreative / @tobecallsmefat jumpsuit: 🙏🏿 @daochloedao - 👕 merch AVAILABLE NOW #linkinbio - 📽 @tobycanning CC: @sincerely.emasi

Another one...

Here's one more because I just realized I never posted this song BOUNTIFUL on here, which is some kind of crime!  This is my damn jam:

As I have said many times on social media, Tobe delivers EVERYTHING I want from hip hop.  You GOTTA be ready for your Monday now, yeah?

Have a good one...

"some AX"

Samax Amen is a professional Content Developer, Illustrator and Cartoonist. He is the artist of many great comics you never heard of like FREELANCER LIFE, Herman Heed, Champion of Children, and The World As You Know It. He even writes and draws his own comics, like Dare: The Adventures of Darius Davidson, Spontaneous, and Manchild when he gets around to it. Because making comics is hard and stuff, he started GhettoManga as a blog in 2006 and as a print magazine in 2008.
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture
Samax Amen is proud to present his new book #FreelancingFAIL, a series of articles, comic strips, and illustrations about the common mindsets and habits that hold artists, writers, and other freelancers back.  More importantly, in this 70+ page e-book, Samax shows you how to overcome them and thrive!
Full color
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