We're all in this together, fam.

I drew Ghost Rider again...


Hey, fam,

One of the benefits of working at home is that I can leave the teevee on while I'm working if I want.

The other day, the Nicholas Cage sequel Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance was on.  Not a great movie by any measure, but it was a fun movie to have on while drawing.

Later on, while I was taking notes during a training meeting, I drew a fairly decent Ghost Rider pencil sketch in the margins.

As you can see here, I really ran with it in Photoshop.

In light of recent events, I inserted a friendly PSA.

Ghost Rider (Wash Your Hands, Please) by Samax Amen
pencil sketch, inked and colored in Photoshop

Even though the movies are iffy, I'm a huge fan of Ghost Rider in the comics.

I love monster heroes, who generally toe the line between superhero and anti-hero.  They often struggle with a nature that is neither fully good nor evil.  Ghost Rider is no different.

Possessed by the eponymous spirit of vengeance, stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze is compelled to terrorize bad guys into mind-melting insanity as payback for their various crimes.

In times like these, it's easy to feel like others are not doing enough.  Even if that is the case, resist the temptation to be merciless.  Wishing ill on Spring Break beach party-goers may make you feel better, but it is beneath you.

We have to correct foolish or selfish behavior without crossing the line and becoming less human ourselves.

At the end of Spirit of Vengeance, Ghost Rider saves the world from the big bad villain without forfeiting his own humanity.

In the same way, we must find the strength to hold each other accountable without losing our souls in the process.

To stay informed on how to protect yourself, what to do if you're sick and more, click here to visit the CDC website.

What about you, fam?

What's one way that you have encouraged others (or held people accountable) to help keep everyone safe during this outbreak?

Reply to this message with your answer, or reply to this picture on social media.

*P.S. - If you own a business or have some kind of side hustle or whatever, you may be tempted to pull back, but this is actually a great time to expand your online marketing efforts.

If you need help with content marketing, feel free to ask me questions.

be safe out there . . .

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