My apologies to all Sivion's fans...

It's all my fault. If you are one of the people waiting patiently on Sivion's upcoming record Group Therapy, I confess to being the hold-up. The album (which is REALLY dope) has been done for a while, but Sivion tapped me to do the cover art and frankly, it took me forever to complete. I'm not going to leak the artwork, so I drew this joint this morning. I'm a big fan of Sivion's, and I can honestly say, this is his best record to date.

This is the only track I could find that the record company had posted on the internet, so here's what you can expect... keep in mind this an unfinished version of the song. For those unfamiliar with Siv, click here for more posts, or hit up the Illect Recordings website, tough guy. So anyways, the business is being done right now. Release date soon come. 

stay tuned...

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