The authors of Black Comix: African American Independent Comics, Art and Culture
(John Jennings and Damian Duffy, if you ain't already know), as well as other luminaries in black comics and prose like Dawud Anyabwile (Brotherman) and L.A. Banks (Vampire Huntress
) are participating in a conversation about literacy in the digital age. The panel discussion is taking place at the Harlem Book Fair, so if you're in the area, check it out! It will also be broadcast on C-SPAN tonight July 17 at 6.45 pm. If you don't have cable, don't worry! We gotchoo...
just click here to watch it and/or read the transcripts. I was actually invited to this (as well as the other events on the Black Comix release tour), but unfortunately couldn't make the trip to New York. Definitely looking forward to getting my hands on my comp copy of Black Comix (and not just because I'm in it). anyways, if you peep the panel, feel free to return here and discuss it in the comments!
That was a great panel. I loved their comments on cultural literacy. It will be one of the most important forms of literacy for the future, as cultures come together on the internet.
And another thing: I like how the one guy mentioned that kids will read if we write what they like, i.e. Harry Potter and Twilight. I think a-lot of what people attribute to short attention spans on the web, is really due to bad writing.
Thats whats up dude! Congradulations on being featured in that joint.
thanks, Tres! I can't wait to get my copy!
My copy arrived last week. Congrats!
thanks John!
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