Every Friday, GhettoManga features one 11x17 full color fan art print and makes it available FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, then we start the fun all over again!
In honor of Independence Day, this week's Fan Art Friday Print features a drawing I did of Captain America. I started doing fan art solely for conventions, but since I don't travel that much, most of my fans couldn't get 'em. So, Fan Art Friday was born!
Anyways, This one will ONLY be available from July 4 - 10, so click here to get yours.
Samax Amen draws people, places and things for a living. CLICK HERE to buy a copy of Samax's artbook SPONTANEOUS Volume 1
for your coffee table, so you can say "I liked the first one better"
when the new one comes out. You won't find Samax in the club, but you
can follow him on Facebook or Twitter, which is just as good, right?

Nice! Love the half-shadowed face and the solid pose.
Only critique is that I'd like the contrast of the fact and upper chest continued to the lower body.
Yeah, that's a valid critique.
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