ah, the Pre-Robin Givens days...

sketch of Iron Mike Tyson by samax (for the sketchbook Allstars sketchjam: Fighters). watercolor brush pens.
i've never been all that big into fighting, but you didn't need to be to dig Iron Mike when i was comin' up! he was like a super hero (or villain, depending on how you look at it...) knocking professional fighters unconscious before the popcorn was even ready! every comedian mentioned him... he had rappers writing songs about him... not the greatest boxer ever, but my personal favorite!


clnmike said...

My favorite fighter of all time.

I have never paid for a Iron Mike fight and not get my money's worth.

Win, Lose, no contest, or draw you always got excitement watching a Mike fight.

Anonymous said...

yeah. Mike Tyson was like Jordan or Tiger Woods. Bigger than the sport.

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