The prequel series, which drops in August, focuses on a young rookie McClane over a decade before the original Die Hard. set against the backdrop of the '76 Bicentennial Celebration, expect explosions, a high body count and a young J-mac droppin' the F bomb! this is the kind of thing that could help comics out a lot (and it wouldn't hurt the movie industry either!)...
I always like the Mclane character, and Bruce Willis did a good job of looking like a has-been-great-at-one-time-in-the-past cop.
It will be fun to see how he got to be the cool cat we all saw in the movies.
I don't know...doing a comic series for Die Hard kind of kills the hook...Y'know, the whole underdog has to stop terrorist in 24 hours-thing. How do you do that as an ongoing? Oh, wait. I forgot. 24.
Yeah Buddy!
YippiKaiYay indeed!
Question: On this project, will you do an illustrated panel followed by the write up, or a full page illo?
Get back to me so I know (email or post is fine)
the potential for a bad comic is always there, but i think it has a better chance as a comic than a movie sequel. but that's my opinion a lot of the time.
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