Brandon Graham, Ron Wimberly, and... Jeru? Yeah, I go there...

He leaps over lies in a single bound. Who is he? The black Prophet! One day, he got struck by Knowledge of Self. It gave him super scientifical powers... Wait. No...  I was thinking of someone else. This is the cover to the new issue of Brandon Graham's PROPHET. Well, the character technically belongs to Rob Liefeld, but Brandon has made the concept his own in a big way!

The sales pitch:The Prophets learn more of the mysterious creatures that threaten them while Troll bonds with one of the greatest forces in the universe.

Dope. This issue features art by that dude Ron Wimberly. Yeah, the same one who penciled the Black Dynamite story I showed you yesterday. I heart that dude. What an artist in every sense... If only I was rich so I could put him on the payroll. Sigh... 
Anyways, Prophet #42 is in stores now. Get it, tough guy! 
And now...

the saga continues...

Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome. Because you demanded it (well, maybe not YOU, but somebody did), his freestyle comic Spontaneous will be returning this year. He also wants to draw at least 14 album covers in 2014, so click here if you need album art.
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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