keepin' up with Miss Jones

even if ya'll have, I Ain't F'got about that upcoming trade paperback starring Nefertiti Jones, an ass-kickin' sista carrying on the proud tradition that her name implies. within the pages of Southside Nefertiti:The REMIX (Fist of the Southstar) we will see that dude Randolph "Pencilism" Williams return to draw the gritty street dreams of writer-creator Mike Sales. i'm not sure when it's gonna be done, but i'm more than willing to wait, if it's gonna be like the pages seen here. as my long-time readers know, i straight CUT for the perfect blend of Sales and Williams on Nefertiti. if you've never read it, peep a sample here.
read my previous reviews of Southside Nefertiti here.

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