the Perfect Halloween costume?
3 the HARD Way...
guest post by Michael Anthony Lagocki...
I feel it's my patriotic duty to share a heads up about good reads lately that you can pick up in the comic shop. Allow me a brief moment & I'll direct you to a few books worth checking out.
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guest writers,
Marvel Comics,
Michael Lagocki,
CWR interviews Joell Ortiz, Ill Bill, Chuck D and more!
The fine folks at Conspiracy Worldwide Radio chop it up with an eclectic list of guests this week that includes Ill Bill, the mighty Chuck D and Joell Ortiz of reputable hip hop crew, Slaughterhouse. Joell is especially hot right now... seems like every time I turn around, heads are talking about that cat! Dude got fire in the works with Eminem, Kool G Rap, Pharoahe Monch, and of course his Slaughterhouse brethren. So strap in and take a trip across the pond for some quality hip hop...
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Chuck D,
conspiracy worldwide radio,
Pharoahe Monch,
Public Enemy,
Start the day off Right w/ J-Live and Boog Brown
Goooood morning, party people! Here's a new video by the venerable J-Live featuring the lovely and talented Boog Brown
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Boog Brown,
She Go Hard,
Added to the Wishlist: "Scribbles" by Giannis Milonogiannis
I can't tell you much about Giannis Milonogiannis. I know he draws an awesome webcomic called Old City Blues (I'll get to that later), and that he released this dope 80 page compilation of short comics and sketches called Scribbles last month. I ran into this while trolling around on Indyplanet and put it on my wishlist because I was hooked by his detailed, yet loose and sketchy artwork. Gorgeous stuff, as you will see in the preview below!
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Giannis Milonogiannis,
GMQ Fall issue available on IndyPlanet!
Word is starting to come back positive from the preorderers and subscribers, so I can confidently report that the Fall issue of GhettoManga Quarterly doesn't suck! And now you can cop it on IndyPlanet. Here's the Sales Pitch and some preview pages
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Brock Rizy,
Felipe Smith,
ghettoManga Quarterly,
Josh Boulet,
Because real Ninjas read Maxim...
Here's a critique of a Ninja Halloween costume, as dictated by a real live ninja freelancer to the fine folks at Maxim.com. Although, I guess it's possible they keep actual ninjas on staff. Who Knows?
Deviant of the Day #109
They fear the ILL Tattoos (plus the "check one two")
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deepspace 5,
free tracks,
theory hazit
Conspiracy Worldwide Radio wants YOUR true Ghost Story!
the guys over at Conspiracy Worldwide Radio are putting together content for the Halloween Special Edition of the Friday Night Live Podcast, and they want to put YOUR true ghost stories on the air!
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conspiracy worldwide radio,
World of Hurt gets new theme music!
World of Hurt (the Internet's #1 Blaxploitation Webcomic) has inspired a new theme song by Black Dynamite's C.E. Garcia!
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Black Dynamite,
World of Hurt
INTERVIEW: Facebook expose writer Ben Mezrich
Props to Menace and Montana of Conspiracy Worldwide Radio who sit down with Ben Mezrich of the book that inspired blockbuster film The Social Network.
They talk to Mezrich about his book The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding Of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal and the process of writing the book, his relationship with the people in it, and the controversy surround the fictional style Mezrich employs to create a nonfiction. Peep the 20+ minute interview after the jump:
They talk to Mezrich about his book The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding Of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal and the process of writing the book, his relationship with the people in it, and the controversy surround the fictional style Mezrich employs to create a nonfiction. Peep the 20+ minute interview after the jump:
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conspiracy worldwide radio,
PREVIEW: Klaws of the Panther #2
Here's a preview of Shuri the Black Panther fighting against Klaw, the Master of Sound. In addition to guest appearances from Ka-Zar and Shanna the She-devil, looks like Marvel's busiest mutant will poke his head (and claws) into issue #2 of Klaws of the Panther as well...
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black panther,
Today's Black SuperHero,
PREVIEW: Thunderbolts #149
Luke Cage doesn't appear in this 6 page preview of Thunderbolts #149 but I assure you that he's in charge of the Thunderbolts, the (now) government-sponsored program to reform supervillains. Except in this case he puts veteran team-member the Fixer on point when he sends them into the sewers under Hell's Kitchen to face the super-powered ninjas of the Underhand. I for one am really feeling the direction of the Thunderbolts under writer Jeff Parker and artist Declan Shalvey. For those of you that would enjoy it too, here's another preview!
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Luke Cage,
Marvel Comics,
More SCUM from Mahfood
I included Jim Mahfood's limited-edition joint SCUM in the begBorrowSteal section of the latest issue of GhettoManga Quarterly, even though I knew it was already sold out when the issue went to press. I mean, Food no longer has it, but you should still try to track it down! Anyways, you can actually get a virgin copy of SCUM TOO, the second volume in the limited edition 'zine series, straight from the man himself.
NBA to the rescue?
this commercial had me DYING!!!
Jake Parker's Missile Mouse 2 is on Amazon
Looks like Jake Parker is finished with the second book in the Missile Mouse OGN series Rescue on Tankium 3.
More morning starting raps
Hey kids! it's Massive, of the immortal Dallas crew Skwod X! Okay, he doesn't live in Dallas anymore (ATL, I think), and Skwod X is scattered to the four winds, but that's how I know him, anyways...
Start the day off RIGHT w/Wise Intelligent
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New Jersey,
wise intelligent
Powerman full color by Samax
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Luke Cage,
Today's Black SuperHero
EFF 2012... She's gonna take Obama out NOW!
No, I'm not talking about Sarah Palin... the always-controversial Image super-villainess the Bomb Queen has her sights set on making the first black President just the next victim of her wrath...
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comicbook world,
Image Comics,
PREVIEW: Black Panther, Man Without Fear

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black panther,
Marvel Comics,
Today's Black SuperHero
PREVIEW: Eriq La Salle's "25 to Life #2"
the second issue of Eriq La Salle's psychological thriller/ cop drama 25 To Life hits comic shops this Wednesday, October 20th and the fine folks at CBR were kind enough to drop this 6 page preview for you. It's a good idea to peep the similar preview I posted for the first issue, but I don't think it's necessary if you're in a hurry...
Start the day off RIGHT w/ODB
good morning fam... While you were clocking zees, I was putting the finishing touches on Herman Heed 2. I'm fairly sure I couldn't have made it if I didn't have the teevee on Backspin satellite radio channel, which rotated through random classic hip hop joints. Eventually, it landed on OBD's classic joint Brooklyn Zoo... then it was REALLY on...
Now Playing: "Late Night Sessions" by 7even:Thirty
What up family! I'm up late (or early, depending on how you look at it) working on Herman Heed, and bumping 7even:Thirty's mixtape, the aptly titled Late Night Sessions, which you can download FREE and legal via the miracle of Bandcamp.
Brandon Graham's getting some of that Vertigo paper
Brandon leaked some pages from his work on the new Vertigo House of Mystery Halloween Annual in my direction... I had to share it with you, 'cause that's how I am...
Big Sean, Black Rob, Blame One, Copywrite, DJ Q-Bert, Celph Titled & BuckWild and more on CWRadio
Conspiracy WorldWide Radio has a loaded show this week. The Creative Minds Special features interviews with G.O.O.D. Records' Big Sean, Black Rob, Blame One, Copywrite, Celph Titled & BuckWild, PLUS the legendary DJ Q-Bert comes on to talk about the state of turntablism in 2010.
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conspiracy worldwide radio,
dj qbert,
NEW DRAWING: The Mighty Afrodite by Samax
Mighty...by Samax Amen (color below)
I drew this for up-and-coming erotica writer Chace Thibodeaux, who subscribed to GhettoManga Quarterly and earned himself this free drawing of his sexy superhero character The Mighty Afrodite.
I drew this for up-and-coming erotica writer Chace Thibodeaux, who subscribed to GhettoManga Quarterly and earned himself this free drawing of his sexy superhero character The Mighty Afrodite.
Now seeking Powerman/Luke Cage art! Submission details here-->
I'm soliciting submissions to my magazine GhettoManga Quarterly, and would like to invite you to submit. This issue's theme is Powerman/Luke Cage (the "Sweet Christmas Special" chuckle).
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ghettoManga Quarterly,
Luke Cage,
#robophobic #10: Robot administers beat down...
Ghettosake returns with "Blind Monkey Style"
It's been a long time coming, but Robert Love (Chocolate Thunder
, Fierce, 13) and David Walker (BadAzz Mofo
) are back with their martial arts revenge comic Kenji: Master of the Blind Monkey Style (previously printed as part of Image's Popgun
anthology series) which is available for you to purchase as a full color stand-alone comic. Kenji serves as a prologue to the upcoming miniseries The Blind Monkey Style... I got preview art below, fam.
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Blind Monkey Style,
David Walker,
robert love
Ahmad Interview and Performance
Peep that dude Ahmad performing A Nig Can't Tell Me Nun't off his splendid don't call it a comeback solo album The Death of Me plus doing an interview with the fine folks at Breakbeats and Rhymes Radio
Stan Lee and Ne-Yo building at NYCC
Looks like r&b singer Ne-yo wants to make comics, so he's enlisted Stan "the Man" Lee to help him get his ducks in a row... Excelsior!
PREVIEW: Blood On The Streets #3
Dude I'm busy, but you know what it is: blah blah Misty Knight yada yada Daredevil, etc dope blah tight...
Misty Knight... The Shroud... Silver Sable... Paladin!
The Sales Pitch
As Shadowland continues to spread across New York City, the strange bedfellows finally come together—each struggling to solve the mystery of the Hand murders! The killing spree shows no sign of stopping, but the ninja’s latest victim is an unusual choice, and casts doubt among our heroes! Will their differences and mistrust keep them apart? Or can they work together to cut through the mystery before it’s too late...and before one of them becomes the next target?
Misty Knight... The Shroud... Silver Sable... Paladin!
The Sales Pitch
As Shadowland continues to spread across New York City, the strange bedfellows finally come together—each struggling to solve the mystery of the Hand murders! The killing spree shows no sign of stopping, but the ninja’s latest victim is an unusual choice, and casts doubt among our heroes! Will their differences and mistrust keep them apart? Or can they work together to cut through the mystery before it’s too late...and before one of them becomes the next target?
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Marvel Comics,
Misty Knight,
Today's Black SuperHero
NY Oil + Chuck D + Rel!g!on on the track = Start the Day off RIGHT!
Immortal... (for those who missed it)
Immortal... (inks. full color below) by Samax Amen
sometimes I forget not everyone who reads one of my blogs reads them all (I honestly don't blame you...), but I was reminded of that fact when I posted the pencils (and eventually the inks) for the Powerman fanart I'm working on, which almost immediately drew tweets, emails etc. asking when I would do Luke's partner Danny Rand, the immortal Iron Fist. What they didn't know, was that I did one already...
sometimes I forget not everyone who reads one of my blogs reads them all (I honestly don't blame you...), but I was reminded of that fact when I posted the pencils (and eventually the inks) for the Powerman fanart I'm working on, which almost immediately drew tweets, emails etc. asking when I would do Luke's partner Danny Rand, the immortal Iron Fist. What they didn't know, was that I did one already...
new Savage Dragon drawing
Start the Day off Right w/Vast Aire
Vast Aire (the not-so-gentle-but-very-giant half of new york rap duo Canibal Ox) is one of those emcees that I find myself defending a lot. People say, "Vast is no good without El-P" the label boss who did the beats on CanOx's debut smash The Cold Vein... and all I can do is shrug my shoulders and put my headphones back on. I just don't agree with that! One of the best compliments I can give a movie is that it makes me want to go home and draw, and when Vast grabs the mic, I get that same sensation. It's like, Vast is not a storyteller type rapper, but when he rhymes, I see pictures in my head...
How Brandon Met Marian...
Eminem's on 60 minutes this Weekend!
Anderson Cooper has mad middle-aged chicks swooning... I'm sure he will add a few yamps* to his Twitter following after watching him chop it up with Marshall Mathers on 60 Minutes this Sunday...
my Powerman inks
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Luke Cage,
Today's Black SuperHero
BRONX, Stand UP!!! An Invitation from DJ D-NICE
thanks to that dude D-nice, you are invited to Art Music Auction Success tomorrow, Saturday October 9th
Underground Classics---> Dirt's "Intoxicated by Self" and "Shanghai Burning"
In the mid-to-late nineties rap underground, when it was still cool to be grimy and heads were not yet willing to admit to liking Jay-Z, the mass of artists were influenced by cats like Jeru and the mighty Wu-Tang. The essence of hip hop to kids like Dirt was battle rap posture and esoteric, otherworldly rhymes and beats. The fact that he was a heavily tattooed, dreadlocked white dude surrounded by people ready to judge him unworthy to hold the mic before he even touched it only served to add fuel to the fire...
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