Here's the Sales Pitch:
This special #0 issue carves its story from Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming “Grindhouse” flick, Machete! In this introductory issue, which will lead into an all-new series in December, Rodriguez himself, alongside producer Aaron Kaufman, pens the ultimate “Mexploitation” tale of revenge as we see what drew Machete to first pick up the blades…
Oh my damn... looks like somebody done did it now! The art here is by Stuart Sayger, who reminds me a little of Norm Breyfogle (Batman: Last Arkham
,Batman: Anarky
). Anyways, Machete #0 is in stores right now, so get yours, and look for Machete #1 in December!
You nailed it with Breyfogle. I was asking myself if that was him the whole time I was checking out the pages. I flipped through the book, but I'm always skeptical of tie-ins. Loved the movie though.
I'm actually kind of an evangelist of movie tie-ins, because they make more sense than sequels. If done better, they could be a great source of new readers for the comics industry.
I like that the actual filmmakers wrote the comic, too. BOOM studios is doing good work in this area, and Disney has had success with comics tie-ins in the past.
I think it's an important component for a healthy and diverse comics market/industry. I'm encouraged by the uptick in movie and novel to comics adaptations. Would love to see more of it.
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