I recently got my hands on the first two volumes of Legend of the Mantamaji, an epic urban fantasy which follows the transformation of Elijah Alexander from a young and ambitious assistant district attorney into a warrior of mythical proportions.
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! Well... I don't have any money... but you know what I mean!
There's still a couple days left in 2014, but these concept drawings of the upcoming kid monster comic NIGHT BOY by Damian Duffy and BLACK KIRBY (aka Stacey Robinson and John Jennings) have me fiending to see it drop in 2015...
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Black Comix,
black kirby,
Blackstar Shabach,
Damian Duffy,
John Jennings,
work in progress
See, this is why I fux wif @VonPea! #nowWatching the video for "CHASING AMY"... album, beat and video by @OTHERGUYSMUSIC
Okay, all my A-alikes have seen and digested the low-budget Kevin Smith classic Chasing Amy
so we know where this video for Chasing Amy aka In Your Heart is going, but knowing the mighty Von Pea has seen it too gives one of my favorite under-appreciated Brooklyn spitters bonus points with me, should he ever need to cash them in. Anyways, watch the new video...
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HiPNOTT Records,
The Other Guys,
von pea
"Rise In Power" Mike Brown speedpaint by Dawud @Anyabwile, beats and rhymes by @DISTRAKT
The mighty Dawud Anyabwile (Brotherman) dropped this speedpaint video for Rise In Power, his tribute to Michael Brown on the internet over the weekend, with audio assist from Colorado-based emcee/producer DISTRAKT.
Peep the speedpaint vid and final piece below...
Peep the speedpaint vid and final piece below...
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Dawud Anyabwile,
The Secret Origin of JOHN SHAFT begins HERE!!! or... Preview SHAFT #1 by @DavidWalker1201 and @BilquisEvely
We've all been chomping at the bit waiting on Dynamite's new SHAFT series by indie phenom David F. Walker (BadAzzMofo, Super Justice Force, Number 13) for a minute, so I'm fired up to show you this preview, which includes a gang of variant covers and sweet as folk interior art by Bilquis Evely, who I'm sure will be a household name before you know it...
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David Walker,
#NowPlaying the new video/single "BOX GOD" by @Venomous2000. PLUS peep his new album A MOMENT TO REFLECT VOL 3!
Be a force like Marcus Garvey, taking chinks in the armor..."
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New Jersey,
Don't forget CAPTAIN AMERICA and the MIGHTY AVENGERS #2 comes out this week!
I still haven't read Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1 yet, so there's a lot about the concept I will hafta leave unsaid. Having said that, check out this preview of the second issue...
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Blue Marvel,
Luke Cage,
Marvel Comics,
Monica Rambeau,
Sanford Greene,
Todays Black SuperHero
"If they kick us out, then who cares? We takin' this party to Chipotle!" -Playdough
The Brand New Old School Video Show (powered by Playdough and Sean Patrick's album GOLD TIPS) is back, via the new video Off the Wall, with special guests Social Club...
"Big Trouble in Little China" speedpaint by Sean Mack AKA @ShizukaSam
My Black Comix bredren Sean Anthony Mack (Revolutionary Times) was flexing his Sketchbook Pro game on his iPad while watching Big Trouble in Little China the other day, one thing led to another, and now here's this speed paint video...
Check out this preview of STORM #5 (also #4 cuz I'm late...)
While I was off doing the whole "working poor" thing, Storm has been getting her goddess on, doing good deeds all around the globe. But it looks like her long-time teammate and friend Wolverine died or something, so we get to see that Ororo handles grief a little bit differently via these previews from issues 4 and 5...
Werewolf Family Values: Dynamite returns Patricia Briggs' "MERCY THOMPSON" Novel series to comics!
New York Times’ bestselling author Patricia Briggs has written a new story set in the world of her MERCY THOMPSON novels called Mercy Thompson: Hopcross Jilly. Here's some preview art from the first two issues...
The road to @LeSeanThomas's CANNON BUSTERS ANIMATED SERIES begins HERE!
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Todays Black SuperHero
Check out this Preview art from DEADPOOL #38! That dude @MikeHawthorne draws everything awesome!
While your favorite artist was on youTube watching 10 Photoshop Tricks to Make Up for the Fact That You Can't Draw Feet, my dude Mike "Captain Puerto Rico" Hawthorne was busy beating up the game the old fashioned way. Exhibit A: These double page spreads from DEADPOOL #38...
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Marvel Comics,
mike hawthorne,
"That's what happens when you have two sisters, no brothers, and idle time..." @MethodMan, speaking on his early influences
My favorite member of the mighty Wu-Tang Clan, the inimitable Method Man, digs into his influences in this bit of animated youTubery courtesy of the fine folks at Grantland.
African American comic creators! PEEP GAME COMIX is looking for YOU!
Here's a press release I received this week from Imani Lateef, who created his website Peep Game Comix as a digital comic distributor specializing in work by black creators and publishers. If you or someone you know makes comics, check this out!
Malcolm Dragon's world is going straight to HELLLLLLL!!! or... IN STORES TODAY- SAVAGE DRAGON #199
Y'all know I reserve a soft spot in my heart for Erik Larsen's looney as folk creator-owned super hero comic SAVAGE DRAGON, so I'm sure you know I'm getting excited for issue 200! But hold up, let's not glaze over the monster effort Larsen put into these spreads from issue 199...
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Erik Larsen,
Image Comics,
malcolm dragon,
savage dragon,
Todays Black SuperHero
The EXCELLENT adventures of Marvel's mighty Muslim-American superheroine continue!
I can't tell you how pleased I was to look at the latest preview of Ms. Marvel and see that G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona are still working on the book. As I have said before, Wilson and Alphona are doing a splendid job on Ms. Marvel, and I think it's mad important to have a consistent creative team on a fledgling book with a promising new character.
#nowPlaying "Running on Empty" by @SuperAnkoma
"See, the truth is
some of y'all claiming that ya ruthless
forgot about the art of making music."
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free tracks,
san francisco
Yo... That new "Mike Tyson Mysteries" trailer got me f****d up... (shout out to @ZERUDAH)
Human link-sharing machine Daniel Zelter showed me this new trailer for the upcoming Adult Swim show Mike Tyson Mysteries, which made me laugh so hard I had to pass it on...
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Adult Swim,
Mike Tyson
Check out this STEVEN UNIVERSE #3 preview from @BOOMstudios!
I became an instant fan of Cartoon Network's Steven Universe when I stumbled onto the KABOOM series of Steven's misadventures as the mostly powerless member of the Crystal Gems superhero squad. STEVEN UNIVERSE is like Snarf or Orko having their own series while the Lion-O, He-man or whoever are off saving the world in the background. Anyways, I was late to the party, but I'm glad to be here. Peep this preview of Steven Universe #3
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Cartoon Network,
for kids,
Steven Universe
"They say that those that can't do teach, but those that can't teach ain't got no room to speak" @MegaRan
I went looking for some music to draw to and ran across this heater Faculty Lounge (remix) by Mega Ran, off his 2012 album Language Arts Volume 3. This joint features Donwill, Sammus and the mighty Homeboy Sandman. Good stuff...
Wanna see some unlettered art from DEATHLOK #1? OF COURSE YOU DO!
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Marvel Comics,
Todays Black SuperHero
the Badass Witches of Helheim return for Vengeance: BRIDES OF HELHEIM by @CullenBunn and @Joelle_Jones via @OniPress

I never read the Oni Press action fantasy comic HELLHEIM by Cullen Bunn, Joëlle Jones and Nick Filardi, but this new spinoff/sequel BRIDES OF HELHEIM features undead warriors, weapon-toting witches and disproportionate revenge. Hellz. Yeah...
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Larry Stroman,
Titan Comics
DAMION SCOTT takes over art chores on ALL NEW GHOST RIDER!! (((airhorn)))
I had no idea that Damion Scott and Robert Campanella were the new art team on ALL NEW GHOST RIDER but it looks like they did. Last month's cover (above) was done by series co-creator Tradd Moore, but check out the interiors to this and the new issue below, by Scott and Campanella.
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Damion Scott,
Felipe Smith,
ghost rider,
los angeles,
Marvel Comics,
Tradd Moore
You had me at "World War Wendigo"... OR... PREVIEW- Amazing X-MEN #11
Because you are not a recovering Marvel Zombie like me, you might not know that the Wendigo is a mystical cannibalistic spirit that possesses people and transforms them into super-strong rampaging white wookies. But only in Canada, because it's magic. CANADIAN magic, son! Anyways, one Wendigo can give the Hulk a good slapping around, so you don't want none of the Wendigo blitzkrieg they are dealing with in Amazing X-men #11, which is part 4 of the 5 part World War Wendigo storyline (so you consider yourself alerted to the spoilers in this preview)...
My concerns about STORM, and 4 things @Marvel should do about it
I bought the first couple issues of STORM, the new ongoing series about Marvel's most prominent female super hero. I enjoyed them both, especially the first one. But there's definitely something bothering me about this series already...
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Marvel Comics,
She Go Hard,
Todays Black SuperHero
Miles Morales + All New (Old) X-Men = WTF? But it's Bendis and Asrar, so... WHY NOT?!?
I don't really have much to say about All-New X-men #32. From what I can tell, this X-book stars the original five X-men (Angel, Iceman, Jean Grey, Cyclops and a relatively hairless Beast), transplanted from the past into the present day. Now they have also been transported into the Ultimate Universe, where they meet Miles Morales, the all-new Afrolatino Spider-man...
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Miles Morales,
Todays Black SuperHero,
Ultimate Comics,
Robophobic #22 - Cyborg Cockroaches to the Rescue?
This engineer on The Takeaway podcast insists that science can't make insect-sized robots to take on missions that require itty bitty remote-controlled automatons (yet). Unfortunately, I still won't be sleeping at night, 'cause they're building cyborg cockroaches to get the dirty little jobs done instead...
Looks like John Stewart was born again HARD in GREEN LANTERN CORPS: FUTURE'S END #1
So apparently the DC Universe is going through a cataclysmic war or something, and time-traveling is involved... NO WAIT! STAY WITH ME NOW! Yeah, I don't know... But I like John Stewart. So there's that. Look, just check out this preview of Green Lantern Corps: Future's End #1...
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dc comics,
green lantern,
Todays Black SuperHero
Have y'all seen this TMNT fancomic SECRETS OF THE OOZE by @RossCampbelll? SO GOOD!
The idea of drawing comics featuring characters I don't own and never printing them (because, you know... the law or something...) is totally alien to me. That said, there are some really dope fan comics out there. Here's one of them: Secrets of the Ooze, by that dude Ross Campbell...
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Ross Campbell,
Sophie Campbell,
#yesReally- BO, PLUSHY GANGSTA: KINGDOM OF BO Trade Paperback published by @ActionLab
I saw an issue of post-hip hop blaxploitation comic BO, PLUSHY GANGSTA the last time I went to the comic shop, but I forgot to write about it when I got home, so I'm glad I ran across this preview art for the trade paperback today...
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Action Lab Comics,
gangster isht,
Preview- DREAM SKILLS, the new comic from Corey Lewis
FACT: Corey Lewis is the sheet. Corey draws comics all the time, and I don't. That makes him awesome.
Here's some preview pages of his new comic Dream Skills...
Here's some preview pages of his new comic Dream Skills...
Wow! I'm LOVING these STEVEN UNIVERSE comics from @BOOMstudios
I don't have cable, so I wasn't prepared for STEVEN UNIVERSE by steady streams of commercials, but it only took a few images for me to fall in love with Steven, the not-yet super powered member of the mighty Crystal Gems superhero quartet. Once I saw these preview pages for the new STEVEN UNIVERSE comics, let's just say I was hooked!
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Cartoon Network,
for kids,
Steven Universe
Is X-(wo)Men as dope as it appears to be?
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Dark City Comics,
Marvel Comics,
She Go Hard,
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