well, unfortunately, I was not able to use my (allegedly) close personal relationship with Jamar Nicholas to get him to leak any advance artwork from his groundbreaking new graphic adaptation of Geoff Canada's gripping memoir Fist Stick Knife Gun: A Personal History of Violence.But the book will be in every major bookstore in the free world on Tuesday the 14th, so you can easily see for your damn self. According to those who HAVE seen this eyes-open look into ghetto culture, it's mustard
Geoff Canada's AMEX commercial repping the Harlem Children's Zone.
"Jamar Nicholas is a master of his craft..." according to Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O'Malley... "his drawings are full of life and truly stunning." So now that B.L.O. gave it the stamp of approval, saddle up and camp out at your local book-buying venue so you can cop it before the other kids on your block! Once you get a copy, take a pic and post it on Jamar's facebook fan page, or else I'll question your manhood (even if you're a girl).
you can get a waiver if you click here to order FistStickKnifeGun off'a Amazon. Since I'll get a SWEET commish (yeah, like 45 cents or something), I'll vouch for ya. Anyways, cop it by any means necessary, tough guy!
Wow. That should be something else.
Of course you've got me conflicted with that Amazon thing, dammit. I hope you'll understand if I go with my local indie bookstore :)
lol! no sweat! I'm not recommending it because I can get a commission, or because Jamar's my friend. I was a fan even before we became friends!
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