Slade (about 90 Minutes) by Samax Amen
The Daily Sketch Challenge for today is Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke the Terminator. Growing up a total Marvel Zombie, my first exposure to Slade was in the hella tight crossover book
X-Men/ New Teen Titans
by Chris Clairemont and Walt Simonson. The villains in the book were Dark Phoenix, Darkseid, and Deathstroke, so of course Darkseid and Slade became my fave DC villains, and remain so to this day.

And I'm not alone...
the Marvel U is totally infatuated right now with Deadpool (in preparation for a Ryan Reynolds movie, I suppose), who is
a TOTAL rip-off of Deathstroke ("created", of course, by the super-prolific rip-off machine, Rob Liefeld). I can go into a laundry list of rip-off indicators, but c'mon dude...
if Wade Wilson isn't a rip-off of Slade Wilson in your mind, I guess you will probably defend it to the death. But next time you enjoy a well-drawn and written Deadpool story, tip your hat to the ORIGINAL Mercenary with a Mouth, Deathstroke the Terminator.
For a limited time I'll be giving away free drawings like this (or 8.5 x 11 prints of existing pieces) with a paid subscription to my magazine
GhettoManga Quarterly! For details,
click here.
i'm not too familiar with Deathstroke but this pic rocks!!!
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