Because I was not deluged with comments extolling the virtues of Brandon Graham's genre-bending urban fantasy King City after mentioning it in my post yesterday evening, I will assume that my readers are still sleeping on it. No big deal, I should have posted
this free preview of King City #3 anyways, so that's my bad... here's the sales pitch:
The deal is going down! The night begins with Joe and his cat Earthling meeting a mysterious buyer at a secret spy bar full of dangerous women and beautiful goons... and ends with an autopsy weirder than anything cooked up in Area 51. Meanwhile, Max falls further down the addiction rabbit hole by taking more of the drug that literally transforms your body into a narcotic. On the other side of the city time is running out for the mysterious alien girl Pete has been charged to deliver, and he must decide if he can deliver “the package” without losing his soul.
From critically acclaimed comics vet Brandon Graham comes the next chapter of the most original comic of the year!

so anyways, to sweeten the proverbial pot, the talented
Mr. Graham stepped back so his woman Marian Churchland (Elephantmen, Beast) could supply cover art to this particular issue. how many artists do you know man enough to try THAT?! seriously, Brandon's fertile mind is cranking out one of the best books on the planet! click any pic to get familar... but for real, roll to the local comic shop and cop it! this issue is in stores now!
mos def feeling this shit. dude is on some shit!
definitely! he's a drawing machine, plus his thinking is so weird and fun to read.
Brandon Graham is easily one of my favorites. His art keeps the brain cells flutterin'.
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