yeah, the entire thirty-something comic nerdiverse that I live in is already fired up about the big screen adaptation of Kick-Ass, the comic by Mark Millar & John Romita Jr that asks what it would be like if a normal dude became addicted to roaming the streets as a masked vigilante. I think once non-comics readers get a look at this ultra-violent redband trailer featuring the foul-mouthed little sidekick Hit-Girl, the world will catch on fire for this movie as well. so anyways, put the kids to bed or wait till your boss goes to lunch and watch this trailer. Kick-Ass is scheduled to hit theaters in April of 2010. if you can't wait until then to get more of this high octane goodness, cop the trade paperback here.
man I saw that. That was pretty wild man.
looks pretty ILL!
Never read the book. Loved the trailer.
the comic's pretty awesome. JRJR has (to my knowledge) only done 2 creator owned books: the Grey Area (wasn't bad) and Kick-Ass (DOPE!)
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