That hateful blind dude Colonel Stinkmeaner is the gift that keeps on giving... He embarrassed Grandad by beating his tail the first time they fought, and even more by dying in a televised grudge rematch. But death didn't stop him, as miserable old coot returned from the depths of hell and possessed Tom. Now it looks like the Freeman fam is gonna hafta deal with more fallout from the evil bastich...
Stinkmeaner's Legacy
Low Tech Optimus Prime
peep this fresh Optimus Prime drawing by your man Jesse Starr. Drawing the design of the Autobot leader from the Transformers movie franchise would be hard with state of the art tools, and J. Starr drew this piece using only BIC ballpoint pens! Unbelievable? click that joint for a closer look! go ahead, I'll wait...
RIP Gary Coleman
flags are flying at half mast here at GhettoManga central HQ... I just learned of the death of diminutive 70s TV star Gary Coleman (Diff'rent Strokes,The Gary Coleman Show), who died from an intercranial hemorrhage today. If you were anything like me (a dark-skinned african-american boy with chubby cheeks and a nappy 'fro), it was impossible to avoid comparisons to the most famous child actor of the decade. I grew up loving Diff'rent Strokes
, which ran for 8 seasons.
Project Amelia- A Comic in the Making
we at ghettoManga all believe that comicbook artists oughta be at least as famous and sought-after as rock stars, movie actors and other creative geniuses. When it comes to pass, cats like Michael Lagocki and Josh Boulet (pronounced boo LAY) will be part of making it happen! but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...
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Josh Boulet,
Michael Lagocki,
work in progress
Sean Legend
Another DOOM Invasion?!?!
Bad enough the villain invaded a sovereign African nation (peep the DOOMWAR preview here), but now we have uncovered footage of DOOM (or perhaps one of his infamous DOOMbots) crashing the Green Ghost release party to stage a Michael Jackson tribute?!? THAT MADMAN!!! Peep the short film by Terrence Elenteny, with cuts by The Asmatik, starring Sean Price, Styles P and Dallas Penn...
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Dallas Penn,
Sean Price,
Happy Birthday toThe Baddest Chick EVER!
start the day off RIGHT---->
Yesterday on Twitter, that dude Planet Asia dropped another hint about the collabo record he's supposed'ta been working on with Pete Rock ("Planet Rock" chuckle). I have no news about that, but the mention of it sent me looking for past collabos
PREVIEW: DOPE "Army Brats" Sketchbook by Robbi Rodriguez!
What's good, fammo! In case you're looking to buy a fresh full-color sketchbook, you need to cop this hot new joint Army Brat by Robbi Rodriguez (Hero Camp, Maintenance
, Hazed
, Polly and the Pirates
, Frankie Get Your Gun). This 2010 sketch book by the Harvey-nominated cartoonist is his first to contain full color images.
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Robbi Rodriguez,
Start the day off Right ------>
My readers already know how big a fan I happen to be of Texas rhyme animal Bavu Blakes, so I won't go into it right now... but suffice to say I was pleased to hear that he was dropping a video for the his song Me On the Mic, which debuted today on the omnipresent shopping mall we call the worldwide web.
New Michael Jackson... sorta
Nobody wants to see another lame Michael Jackson tribute... I know I don't! Now an AWESOME Michael Jackson tribute... that's another thing entirely!
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Howard Russell,
michael jackson,
work in progress
Rachel Rage 2: More Southern Hostility
I received my copy of Rachel Rage: Sketchy in the mail last week! If you ever want to read a comic that has NO chance of being duplicated by the Big Two, just get your hands on anything by Rachel Rage creator John Aston. Just make sure your grandma doesn't see it, 'cause if she doesn't die of shock, she'll burn your comicbook collection...
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Rachel Rage,
?uesto speaks to, about and for Grown Hip Hoppers
In this interview clip from, the legendary Roots crew frontman ?uestlove addresses the midlife crisis of the hip hop generation, ie what it means to make hip hop after 40, and how this plays into the themes of the upcoming Roots album, How I Got Over
that "Full Metal Joints Vol 5" mixtape by DJ Fudge is FIRE!
your man DJ Fudge hooked up a little hip hop underground primer for you, and my dude GoldiGold slapped the artwork on top.
PREVIEW: Doomwar (Black Panther, Storm & FF vs Doom)
Doctor Doom is taking on the Wakandan Royal Family and their allies and winning! But they look like they're pulling out all the stops to fight back in this free preview of DOOMWAR #4 I repatriated from CBR.
more pinup art by Arie Monroe
Emerging cartoonist and sketch monster Arie Monroe has started collecting the sketches from her DrawLikeCrazy blog into comic-sized sketchbooks, for all you cheesecake fans. Peep some preview art below...
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Arie Monroe,
Role Models
Start the Day off Right

If you're one of the people that likes complaining about hipHop, you may not wanna listen to this. I mean, my mans Headkrack and The ARE have a new album in the works, and if this mix of loose tracks is any indication, it's a classic in the making...
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free tracks,
DOPE tee shirt: "American, Gangsta..."
greetings Fammo! Praise the Lord and pass the Ammo! just wanted to let you know about the fresh teeshirt design i just saw on Facebook... American Gangsta was posted by illustrator Marcus Kiser of the GodCity crew outta Charlotte, NC. As you know, I love a nice message-carrying teeshirt design as much as the next man, but it's GOTTA be dope! guilty on both counts...
Herman Heed is almost DONE!
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for kids,
Herman Heed,
DOPE Texas Hip Hop: Bavu, Chucky Sly, Headkrack & DJ SecondSense
good morning, plairs... since you need more hiphop in your life (who doesn't?), I submit for your consideration this track Fire in the Firmament featuring Chucky Sly, Headkrack, and Bavu Blakes on some soulful Texas hiphop isht.
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bavu blakes,
bodega brovas,
free tracks,
Start The Day off RIGHT
dang... I got up early this morning try'na bang out some comics... drawing mad backgrounds got me sluggish, so I need some serious horns and cats hollerin' to keep me in the right state of mind, nah mean?! enter the mighty Mos Def, Prefuse 73 and Diverse on that Wylin' Out (RJD2 Remix)! man, that's better than caffeine!
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mos def,
Solomon Azua,
soul position,
Boondocks Episode 3 Kicks Balls!!!
Aaron MacGruder n'em are at it again... catch a gander at "Red Ball" the latest episode of The Boondocks, where martial arts Kickball serves as allegory for international economic policy.
PREVIEW! Shadow Eyes by Ross Campbell
this summer will be a freaking minefield of dope comics! One of the ones I'm drooling over is Shadoweyes
, the new superhero-monster comic by Ross Campbell (Wet Moon
, Mountain Girl, Water Baby
). The 204 page debut volume is due out in July from SLG, but I came upon another preview on CBR yesterday, so I posted the pages below.
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Ross Campbell,
Sophie Campbell
Mohawk Storm + Warren Ellis + Kaare Andrews = YESSIR! (Alex Ross doesn't suck, either)
guest post by Michael Lagocki
I took a trip to the comic shop Wednesday and picked up a couple books I'm excited enough about to share the news... first up:
Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #1
by Warren Ellis and Kaare Andrews
I took a trip to the comic shop Wednesday and picked up a couple books I'm excited enough about to share the news... first up:
Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #1
by Warren Ellis and Kaare Andrews
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guest writers,
Michael Lagocki,
warren ellis,
THIS JUST IN: Cullen's a Sore Loser...
Comicbook World #46- Scientists To Create Star with Lasers
Nuclear fusion is the golden goose of the scientific community, As anyone with a passing interest in science or superhero comics knows. If scientists could harness its power, fusion would easily solve all the world's energy problems. To see fusion a reactor in practice, all we need to do is look up, as the daytime is lit up by the nearest working perpetual nuclear furnace: the Sun. Now a new group of scientists in California claim to be close to creating a miniature star on Earth using a massive laser...
ATL!!! Celebrate Hip Hop with The Ladies!
Along with the fine folks at the Temple of Hip Hop, we here at GhettoManga will be observing Hip Hop Appreciation Week from May 16th - May 23rd. But you know them kids in Atlanta always get out in front of t'ings, so they're jumping it off early with "My Chick Bad", an all-female show celebrating the ladies' contribution to hip hop featuring 6 emcees and 1 deejay on Saturday the 15th at the Apache Cafe. One of my new favorite emcees will be holding it down at the show, the lovely and talented Boog Brown...
start the day off RIGHT------>
I always liked Brand Nubian. Spawned out of an era when it was understood that being conscious didn't mean you were a sucker of some sort, few rap groups exemplified street-level conscious hip hop like Sadat X, Lord Jamar, Grand Puba and DJ Alamo. After internal beef led to Grand Puba and Alamo leaving the group, there was serious doubt to whether Brand Nubian (with new member DJ Sincere) would survive...
Finished this page last night
Start the Day Off RIGHT-------->
Whether you smoke weed or not, the first Cypress Hill record oughta be in your hip hop library. As for me, I was instantly sold when I heard the record's first single, The Phuncky Feel Ones. Like everyone else, I was irked by B-real's strained nasal delivery, but by the end of the song, I was hooked nonetheless...
Role Models #1- Brian Stelfreeze
Happy Cinco De Mayo... from MACHETE!!!!
Happy Cinco De Mayo, fam! As my long-time readers know, I'm in full geek mode for the Robert Rodriguez splatterfest Machete starring Danny Trejo. So much so that upon hearing that the Grindhouse mock trailer was being made into a real movie with a star-studded b-list cast (peep the new trailer below), I went out and drew this picture of Trejo as Machete.
FREE PREVIEW: Urban Shogun
I've been keeping an eye on Mase. No, I'm not talking about the shiny suit rapper who left Bad Boy to become a preacher, I mean James Mason, writer/artist of the martial arts action webcomic Urban Shogun. Mase has collected the strips into a new full-color 48 pages comic called Urban Shogun: The Evolution of Combat... I got a 6 page preview for my people below...
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the Almighty Street Team
Start the Day off RIGHT------>
what's good, fam! I don't have much to say today... here's the video to my favorite Digable Planets single, 9th Wonder (Blackitolism), off their terribly underrated sophomore album, Blowout Comb
Comicbook World # 45 Make It Rain, baby...
With events like Hurricane Katrina, flooding in the Northeast and Tsunamis in the far east so fresh on everyone's mind, this probably isn't the best time for scientists to announce they're working on rainmaking technology. I mean, I could see if they were talking about reducing the impact of natural disasters on some Storm from the X-men, get your HERO on type isht, but they're talking about firing lasers into the atmosphere to create rain. That seems mad risky, but maybe it's just me...
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