Remember Felipe Smith, ghettoManga Award-Winning writer/artist of MBQ? he's in Tokyo, Japan... DRAWING his TAIL off! as i told you before, after completing MBQ, Felipe bounced over to the Land of the Rising Sun to draw his parody manga Peepo Choo for the monthly Japanese anthology magazine Morning Two. now the first two full volume collections have been completed and dropped in stores! so while we were sleeping, dude has broken off not one but two 200-page volumes, and shows no signs of slowing down!

yes, your math is right...
Felipe has drawn 405 pages of comics in one year! more pages than there's days on the calendar (even in leap year), in case you're wondering!
"The funny thing is, over here everybody works like that," Felipe shared with us over
on his mySpace blog. "and I'm only publishing monthly. A lot of artists publish WEEKLY over here, so they'd just LAUGH at this..."
as you can imagine, he hasn't had much time to play with us on the internet over the last year, but he took a minute to let us know that
Peepo Choo was out, and to break down the plot and the cast of characters! click any pic to bounce over to his blog for more pics and details! if you have no idea who Felipe is, PLEASE click the tag below and get familiar!
Yo SAMAX!! Thanks for putting me on full blast!!
Actually each volume of Peepo Choo is exactly 250 pages!
It's a total of 500 pages with both volumes! :D
I drew 405 pages in the first year, but I was still only halfway through volume 2:) hahaha
Thanks again for supporting, man:D
Mad appreciated!
As usual thank for posting this. MBQ work ethic is definitely inspirational.
WHOA! that's what's up! 500 pages... like Vee said, that's inspiration and a challenge for me to get my tail in gear! thanks for dropping by Felipe!
Yo, Samax . . . early morning at work, you are one of the cats that is forcing-challenging-inspiring me to get on my game-business and make my blog super-daily (Monday-Friday)and finish a number of projects (comic strips, comic book, etc. In the mean time, I'm paying bills.
Just had to share that quick thought.
Worldwide son! I still read my MBQs. Good toilet reading.
word. Scratch- you definitely got the skills to pay the bills! keep putting it out there, homey!
it's actually pretty easy... just let you shine through!
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