that dude Brian Stelfreeze hooked up this fresh watercolor portrait of Samantha from
Bewitched for a commission. if you've ever seen him work (he does the best demonstrations at conventions) you know it is a real treat.
if you're going to Dallas Comicon August 15-16 (and you oughta be, since me and the rest of the mighty ghostWerks crew will be in attendance),
you can get a chance to witness the Stelfreeze phenomenom first hand. for the rest of you silly jokers, pop over to his
Work In Progress blog, and see the stages of developement for this piece.
Stelfreeze is the man! He's one of my favorite comikers in the game. It always amazes me how he uses the craft of art to elevate the "art" of art. And he's always willing to teach. He's what you'd call a true master.
Good Googily Moogily.
Do you know what he charges for sketches?
that, i couldn't tell you. he's one of those dudes with a commission list longer than my arm. he fulfills by mail a lot...
there might be contact info on his blog.
like i said, he'll be at the Dallas show...
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