the people behind the ghettoManga Award-nominated bundle of 'hells yeah' called Afrodisiac
are holding a SWEET art contest on their flickr account!! anyways, let them tell it to you:
Here's what we want - post a picture on our Flickr group of an Afrodisiac art pick the pick the everything. All mediums of art; whether it be painting, graphic art, sculpting, drawing, sketching, fake ads, short strips, or gluing an afro on a Ken doll. All categories are welcome, as are entrants from all countries....whatever...go nuts. If you don't have a Flickr account, send us the picture...or the art thing...and we'll post it for you. We'll have some awesome prizes for the king of the long shoe (art) game.
King Daddy: a piece of original art featuring Afrodisiac vs Dragonfly (see above)
Poppa-stoppa: a deluxe edition of the Afrodisiac and a signed copy of the Street Angel trade paperback
Cigarette Pimp: a signed copy of Afrodisiac...
because they were fresh enough to not REQUIRE me to have a flickr account to enter, I'm all over this joint! Unlike lesser men, I WELCOME the competition, fam! bring it...
ghettoManga.comcomics. hiphop. news. art. culture
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