(Cannon) Ball 'Til You Fall...
Got a couple pages by Corey Lewis (Sharknife
, Peng, Rival Schools) from Marvel's upcoming Nation-X anthology. His short story features Cannonball of New Mutants> X-force> X-men fame, 'longside a couple X-girls (Surge and Magma, maybe? It's been a while), drawn in his distinctive graf/videogame/anime style.
"I used Google Sketchup Pro to help draw the jet." Corey revealed, in a behind-the-scenes moment on his DeviantArt page. "I would position it the way I liked it and then light box it later. It was a cool experience. It felt almost like working on a movie, as if my comic was a big production or something. 'This is my Jet', kinda feeling.I really like panel 5 with the two X-Chicks looking very Ranma 1/2 like.
I colored all 8 pages in 3 days. That was intense. I feel this is some of my best comics work... And now that I think about it, probably my first published COLOR work..."
I first became aware of Corey (aka the Reyyyy) when Khalid brought Rey's ballsy urban fantasy OGN Sharknife
(one 'k' please) to my attention, and I was blown away by the total lack of restraint in his fight scenes. He further cemented his place as an indie legend (in MY mind, at least) with the sci-fi kickball epic Peng. The two books are tied together because the protagonists are brothers, Caesar and Rocky Hallelujah. Lewis has been teasing a Sharknife sequel for a while now, but now that he's on Marvel's radar (he already did that Longshot story for Marvel Tales, remember... no? click here), who knows when it will happen. I encourage you to cop Sharknife
and Peng if you don't have 'em, so maybe that will help coax Lewis and Oni Press to speed another visit to the world of the brothers Hallelujah along! Besides that, they are worth checking out for the FUN of it.
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Lewis is worldwide
Guys like Corey Lewis and Brandon Graham are defining the future of comics. (Lewis also gets extra points for having Cannonball actually use his goggles, instead of leaving them perched on his head.)
no argument here, Jay! i like them both!
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