Master of the Seas by Rafael Gallur

I just discovered the work of Mexican artist Rafael Gallur on recently. I can't tell you much about him, except that his work is all traditional materials (i'm thinking gouache and acrylic for these painted joints) and he has done lots of work for Western and Luchador comics (like this comic page he did for
Arena Magazine ). His painted covers are bonkers! here's some favorites below...
Ultimo Guerrero by Rafael Gallur
Atlantis Negro by Rafael Gallur...
In addition to
Arena, I liked the western stuff in his DeviantArt gallery, like the covers he did for
Breed of Cursed by Rafael Gallur...
Dollars, 50,000 by Rafael Gallur
dude is nuts, right? you can peep more of his stuff
I love the type running away. If that's the title, that's so Will Eisner.
yeah, it is. Eisner is such a boss! I discovered his work fairly late in my comics fan life, but he created so many of the best storytelling techniques (but you already knew that)
RIP Will!
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