the work of a bodyguard is never done. at least when that bodyguard is the around-the-way-girl with the hattori hanzo sword... These are the adventures of Dziva Jones, and as we see in Dziva Jones #1, even her off duty hours are mad hectic! The first chapter, which is available on IndyPlanet, is written by Aminah Armour and has art by the amazing Ashley A. Woods (Millenia War). The cover is by Stanley Weaver Jr (Street Team), and it also features a pin-up by that dude Charlie 'Fab' Goubile (Blackbird). but anyways, peep the sales pitch and some preview pages below...
(your favorite rapper) ♥s Pharoahe Monch
If ghettoManga Award Winning emcee Pharoahe Monch is not on your list of top ten favorite emcees, it's a safe bet he is on your favorite rappers' lists. Nas, Biggie, Andre 3000, Eminem, Mos Def, and others all love the mighty Pharoahe's way with words, and the feeling, Monch says, is mutual.
Macho Libre
Master of the Seas by Rafael Gallur
I just discovered the work of Mexican artist Rafael Gallur on recently. I can't tell you much about him, except that his work is all traditional materials (i'm thinking gouache and acrylic for these painted joints) and he has done lots of work for Western and Luchador comics (like this comic page he did for Arena Magazine ). His painted covers are bonkers! here's some favorites below...

FINALLY! DC drops a HARDWARE trade paperback!
Looks like someone at DC is thinking again... they FINALLY dropped a 192-page collection HARDWARE: The Man in the Machine
featuring everyone's favorite high-tech wonder with a right to be hostile. here's the sales pitch:
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Dwayne McDuffie,
Today's Black SuperHero
PREVIEW: The Sword #23
The Sword is almost over. The Luna Brothers' contemporary fantasy revenge epic will conclude with issue #24, and it looks like it's going out with a BANG! there's a link to a free preview below, but if you've never read The Sword, this preview can't do anything to prepare you for how good it is, so do yourself a solid and cop the trade paperbacks collecting the series so you can catch up!
Start the day off RIGHT---->
I bought the upSouth EP by Bavu Blakes and beatsmith Patrick Murphy at Waterloo Records in Austin, back when I used to live there around 2002-03. get familiar via the bandcamp widget below.
Beauty and Brains...
because YOU think there's no dope female emcees in this rap isht, peep game of the lovely and talented Boog Brown, who blessed bandcampers with a free version of her album Grind Season Volume 1, which I am happy to share with you below.
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Boog Brown,
free tracks,
She Go Hard
One of my favorite rappers ever, TX native Bavu (pronounced 'bah voo') Blakes, recently moved out to Long Beach, CA but he'll be in Dallas next month to drop a limited edition ceedee with this artwork by me on the cover. It was an honor to work with someone whose work I admire so much, and to be paid well for it. Anyways, when I get more info about what's on the ceedee, I'll let you know... for now, let's celebrate the occasion with a bunch of youTube videos i found last night and embedded below
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bavu blakes,
strange fruit,
Monkey King FTW!

here's a silly little video game starring the Master of the Twelve Disciplines of Kung Fu... yeah, suckaz, it's the mighty Monkey King as depicted in American Born Chinese
Start The Day off Right------>
my dude Sivion of the mighty Deepspace 5 crew got a new joint (new to me anyways) out called Here We Go. It's nice, but since I'm a b-side kinda guy, peep Sivion for President embedded below.
Double Digits FTMFW!
For all you "Losers" fans
Birthday Haul review #1: "American Born Chinese"
so for my birthday I treated myself to a trip to Half-Price Books and bought a bunch of cool stuff, which I will be reviewing because the whole list was freaking awesome!
the best surprise of the haul was the graphic novel American Born Chinese
by Gene Luen Yang. First of all, this paperback was beautifully designed and put together. As I was flipping through HPB's modest graphic novel selection, American Born Chinese
dang near leaped off the shelf at me, and once I opened the book and caught a glimpse of the beautiful cartoony art, it went on the "buy" pile.
the best surprise of the haul was the graphic novel American Born Chinese
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for kids,
Gene Luen Yang,
Soulful Texas Hip Hop...
preview the New CLOAK & Dagger One-Shot
I've been sleeping so hard on Marvel... I remember skimming a Dark X-men book or something that had Cloak & Dagger working with Norman Osborne or something like that... or maybe fighting him? Man, I am so indie right now... Anyways, there's a new Cloak & Dagger one-shot coming out wednesday March 31st.
peep Bachalo's Wu-Tang cover pencils!

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Chris Bachalo,
method man,
a little something from LeSean's book "Midnight Marauder"
More Herman Heed
'Scott Pilgrim VS The World' trailer
I just watched the trailer for the film adaptation of the ghettoManga Award-winning OGN series Scott Pilgrim over on CBR. Scott Pilgrim single-handedly justifies Canada's existence. this movie better rock, or the state of Michigan's gonna conquer Canada and hand it over to Sarah Palin.
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Bryan Lee Omalley,
here's some FREE Wu-Tang to help you prepare for the Massacre...
March is going out with a muther-effin' bang... cop a listen/ download of Dangerous, the latest leak off that Meth:Ghost:Rae joint Wu-Massacre
, due in your favorite music outlet March 30th.
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free tracks,
method man,
Cloak & Dagger by Eric Canete
I have always loved Cloak and Dagger
. Their comics were not particularly well-written (sometimes bordering on goofy), but they are creatively compelling. If tasked to take the characters and do something good with them, I always believed I could... Artists always do a good job with them, but Eric Canete shows he should be on any writer's short list for depicting the interdependent and dynamic duo!
hot stuff!
hot stuff!
new Herman Heed page
Buy YOURSELF something for my Birthday
WHADDUP! Today I turn 37 years old. I won't be partying hard though. I'll be working hard drawing comics for my client, blogging, doing Daddy Day Care with my daughter and generally making the ends get acquainted. All I really want for my Birthday (or any other day) is to be productive and successful. The best present YOU can give me today is to buy one or more of the products I have available. Peep the Sales Pitch:
Obama Pals around with... Spawn?
One of the reasons I love Robert Kirkman (Invincible, The Walking Dead, The Destroyer) is his sense of humor. He's released a series of teaser ads for this summer's Guardians of the Globe miniseries parodying the I Am An Avenger joints that Marvel's been dropping (for the record, Obama is NOT gonna be on the team).
Dope Wallpaper...
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Matt Warlick,
Start The Day off RIGHT----->
well, it's my birthday today, so it's a good time to bump my all-time favorite hip hop song, So Whatcha Sayin by the venerated rap duo EPMD (with DJ Scratch for that zigga zigga). This was on their sophomore album Unfinished Business
ghettoManga.comcomics. hiphop. news. art. culture
J.Pearson Drawing Domino at Emerald City Comicon
Yeah, we seriously heart comicbook badman Jason Pearson (Body Bags), so here's a youTube joint of the cartoonist at work at last week's Emerald City Comicon in Seattle.
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Jason Pearson,
Dawud breaks down Brotherman
my dude Goldi was in attendance at the opening reception of Drawing From The Soul: The Official Brotherman Comics Art Experience and got the footage below of the presentation given by Dawud Anyabwile (Brotherman), where he breaks down some of the concepts in his classic comic, and the new Brotherman graphic novel.
The exhibit will be up at the Auburn Avenue Research Library in Atlanta until June 30, 2010
The exhibit will be up at the Auburn Avenue Research Library in Atlanta until June 30, 2010
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Dawud Anyabwile,
cause he SHINE like one...
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Abraham the Young Lion,
Blackstar Shabach,
Start the Day off RIGHT----->
good morning! Here's a little youTube heat to enrich the day, be it a day off or working day for you... That dude Sev Statik got at me a few years ago to do the cover art for the collabo album Back To Dust he did with DJ Dust of Mars ILL (they're also fammo from the supergroup Deep Space 5), but ultimately did not like what I turned out. No hard feelings from me, though (i'm not that kinda dude), so check out the video they did for the title track.
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deepspace 5,
Greg Manchild Owens,
mars ILL,
sev statik,
"Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour" Cover & Release date revealed!
That dude Bryan Lee O'malley revealed the cover of the 6th and final chapter of his ghettoManga Award-winning series Scott Pilgrim today! I honestly don't know if I could be any more excited about a graphic novel release than I am about Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, which will finally see Scott go head-to-head with his nemesis, Romana's ex-boyfriend Gideon Graves.
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Bryan Lee Omalley,
Start the Day off RIGHT---->

Go Ahead and Cross the Streams...
Ghostbusters by Paul Milligan (God of Rock, Souvenir of Dallas)...
head on over to MetroSketchual for more Ghostbustin' ass artwork by Paul, me and a bunch'a other Dallas area ne'er-do-wells!
ghettoManga.comcomics. hiphop. news. art. culture
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Paul Milligan
Erykah Unveils album artwork by EMEK, & new track by Madlib!
Here's the artwork to Erykah's new album New AmErykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh
, which she leaked on her website (album drops March 30th)
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